Thursday, September 11, 2008


woke up early in the morning and went to office as usual...knock off. nothing special...and still the same today ,passing time by watching drama....

everyday,everynight,since i fall for thinking bout how to make you happy make you smile.yeah...i guess i did....but then since you're busy with your own life' we are just like getting strange,unfamilar...and just like we cant communicate in a better way...dont you feel it? feelings do exist...but i dunno what is the things'' that changed between me and you...itz ok...i will go thru...till the end.

is this the begining my affection towards you gonna end soon...? or...? i dunno...
miss you as the same as everyday i did...=')

good night. my today

感情 這兩个字,我想 每個人听到的反应应是皺皺眉,然後想深呼吸一下吧。

然而不管是哪一种。。。 年龄身高种族家世性別,


愛,只是比花绽放的時间久一点 有時候会消失,有时候會转化成另一种形式 那也都是過程。 當下很用心在愛,就夠了。

在我眼裡,只看得到人的灵魂,而不是性別。 性別,只是社會上的表像

一個懂得愛 懂得对另一半真心的人,都是可愛的。让我們都做一個可愛的人类吧!

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